Amazon Deals

Friday, May 13, 2011

Addicted to online discount shopping sites!

Yes, I do admit it... I am addicted... but how can you not be?  They offer you free money and give you discount codes sometimes to make the 'deal' even sweeter!

I don't find these on my own.. either a friend posts them or I see them in a blog I subscribe to... or I get the deal in my inbox after I've joined their little community. LOL

So tonight thanks to reading The Centsable Shoppin blog I follow, Sheryl posted about a deal with Eversave .  I signed up for a new account, I got a $3.00 credit to use. There is a deal on sending a Sock Gram, $6 for $12 worth of merchandise... but wait... make that $3.00 with my $3.00 credit... oh but wait... make that $1 with a $2.00 discount using the code BEWARE  ...  I mean come on, who could pass that up? I sent a pair of socks to a friend for her birthday... totally cute funny socks.. all for $1 because shipping was also free!!  Hmm... does this make me less of a friend?

I signed up for Rue Lala a couple of weeks ago... one of my friends posted a link on her facebook page... they were offering $20 to sign up! Hey $20 free bucks! I also got $10 for every referral who made a purchase. I earned another $30! $50 free MONEY!!! Woot!

So I got this Hale Bob top - came to the door today... not great pictures, Reiley took them. LOL

I paid OOP $4.85 which was part of the shipping cost!!  Looking at Hale Bob's website... their tops start at $106!! OUCH! na, na, na, na, I got mine for $4.85 thanks to the $50 :)

I couldn't even find that at a discount store or consignment store for that price! They offer all sorts of things on Rue Lala, trips, clothing, accessories, kids stuff, household... it's pricey in MY opinion even with it being a discounted boutique store, BUT I'm CHEAP!

So if you see these kinds of deals, you should sign up... if you never use the credits they offer, no harm no foul, if you do, score for you!

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