Amazon Deals

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Late night ramblings

I'm thinking after posting today on Facebook about seeing a woman in front of me at Fry's today who had one cart of groceries... who paid over $453 for said cart and didn't use a single coupon, but did save $62 from her VIP Card... then having friends post that they spend that kind of money when they shop... to start doing shopping interventions with my friends!!!

UM HELLO?!!! Really?!! Are you insane?!! You know I love you, all of you, but you need some serious help! Think, JUST THINK about what you could do with that money you just flushed down the toilet (and yes mostly literally)... OMG!!  Imagine that trip you keep planning but don't have the deposit for... the rockin outfit you want to buy, but don't have the money to splurge on yourself... that house payment that is sickly outrageous because you bought during the boom in Maricopa and literally worth about 1/3 what you paid for it today, yet stuck having that mortgage facing you month in and month out...

Would you not like some extra money to help with those things? UM... hello?!!

Seriously you ladies are killing me... my head and heart hurts for you... can I help you help yourself?  Throw me a line if you would like... I'm being serious... I will find the time somehow. :)


  1. I need help! Seriously. I try to keep up on all of the couponing posts to FB when there's a good deal. But honestly, with working 12+ hours a day, hopping from my work computer to my home computer just to keep up with Swagbucks is time consuming. Any help would be appreciated. Money is tight. I try my best with couponing (and my husband is even on board) but it's so hard to do because there just isn't enough time in the day. So if you see a great deal posted, please let me know. Also - my husband works for CVS and so we get these 'family and friends' savings like a couple times a year. I think it's something like 20 or 30 percent off - I'd love to send you some of those when we get them ... if you would like.

  2. Karin, I will send you a message... I can't make it to MA lol :)
