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Monday, February 28, 2011

Seasonal Sale Cycles and Seasonal Clearance!

I know it's almost March, but hey... I just recently started this blog!! :)

If you know a particular store clearance cycle, post a comment and let us know!

Like I know Target Clearances out their toys in January and outdoor furniture in June.

My tip... buy what you can after the holidays so Valentines you should be buying all the clearance stuff NOW... I have tatoo Valentine Dad Cards and 3D Valentines Cards I just picked up... .75c a box. I bought all Easter stuff for this year on clearance last year (not candy) I think I spent $5 for a ton of stuff!

Learn to buy at the end of the season for clothes. I have so many summer clothes for my youngest daughter already just by buying at the end of last year. I rather pay $1.50 for a shirt instead of $15 for a shirt!!

I like to frequent the clearance table in Dillards in the housewares area usually. This is a great spot for picking up all sorts of items for the house. John had a couple of Secret Santa type things and I had a gift exchange as well... these items cost over $20 originally but I paid less than $5 for each of them. Even if I don't have an idea who they may be for, I pick it up and put it away in my closet. I don't know about you, but I don't often have an extra $20 laying around for multiple gifts around the holidays.

I buy toys on clearance and put them away for birthdays whenever I possibly can. Or they are great to give during the toy drives during the holidays too. Even though we personally don't have much, we always still help out - there are always people worse off than ourselves.

Enjoy the list!

January - New Year's/Chinese New Year's
Grocery Sales
1)  New Year’s Resolutions – low fat brands, healthy food and diet products
2)  Super Bowl Party – snack food- chips, salsa, pretzels, soda, sandwich items
3)  Medicine – cold and pain relief, vitamins
4)  Turkey, Canned Chili, soups, stews, dry bouillon
5)  Prepared meals, teriyaki and soy sauce, oriental noodles
6)  Breakfast Cereal
7)  Apples, grapefruit, oranges, lemons, limes and pears

Seasonal Sales/Clearance Items
1)  Christmas baking products (sprinkles, cookie/candy molds, etc), cookware
2)  Christmas and New Year’s party items
3)  Winter clothing & accessories , jackets, hats, boots
4)  Dated items: calendars and planners
5)  White sales
6)  Computers, CDs and DVDs
7)  Storage  and Organization products, containers, organizers, shelf organizers, filing cabinets
8)  Treadmills and other exercise equipment
9)  Furniture

Grocery Sales 
1)  National Canned Food Month – special deals on canned goods
2)  Canned chili
3)  National Hot Breakfast Month
4)  Breakfast cereal
5)  Post Valentines Day – candy
6)  Chinese New Year – Chinese food products
7)  Apples, grapefruit, oranges, lemon, limes and pears

Seasonal Sales/Clearance items
1)  Furniture
2)  Leftover Christmas toys are discounted up to 75%
3)  Winter clothing
4)  Mattresses
5)  2/15 on: Valentines baking products (sprinkles, special packaging, etc)
6)  Snow blowers
7)  Digital cameras, DVD/Blue Ray players
8)  Humidifiers

March - National Frozen Food Month
Grocery Sales
1)  National Frozen food month: frozen vegetables, meats, breakfast items, and TV dinners
2)  Spring cleaning items
3)  Easter food items
4)  Gardening supplies
5)  National Peanut Month
6)  March Madness – sports drinks, soda
7)  Case lot sales (canned soups, fruit, vegetables, beans, meats, stew, honey, jelly, mac & cheese, Spam, hand grain mill, etc.)
8)  Paper products
9)  Eggs, ham

Seasonal Sales/Clearance Items
1)  Spring cleaning supplies
2)  Garden supplies
3)  Spring clothing & shoes, infant clothing,
4)  Luggage
5)  Frozen novelties are repackaged, old packaged products are reduced
6)  Computers, TV's
7)  Winter sports clearance

April - National Garden Month
Grocery Sales
1)  Earth Day – organic and environmentally friendly items, energy savers
2)  Easter items-Eggs, ham, marshmallows
3)  Broccoli, and cauliflower

Seasonal Sales/Clearance Items
1)  Spring clothing men's suits/ties, Easter dresses
2)  Easter baking products (sprinkles, cookie/candy molds, etc)
3)  Auto Maintenance
4)  White Sales
5)  Paint
6)  Digital cameras

May - Cinco De Mayo & Memorial Day
Grocery Sales
1)  Memorial Day – think barbeque and picnic products hamburgers, hot dogs, ribs, buns, BBQ sauce, ketchup, mustard, , baked beans, paper goods
2)  Asparagus, pineapple, avacados, frozen veggies
3)  Cinco De Mayo – Olives, taco sauce, enchilada sauce, tortilla chips, tortillas,

Seasonal Sales/Clearance Items
1)  Mother’s Day items
2)  Auto Maintenance tires
3)  Athletic shoes & clothes
4)  Home maintenance
5)  White sales
6)  Women's undergarments
7)  Camping supplies, sunscreen, insect repellant
8)  Cordless phones

June - National Safety Month
Grocery Sales
1)  National Dairy Month- dairy products
2)  July 4th promos begin – outdoor barbeque/picnic items
3)  Bottled water, Gatorade powder, lemonade powder
4)  Tomatoes, croutons, salad dressing

Seasonal Sales/Clearance 
1)  Summer clothing, dresses, summer sports gear
2)  Refrigerators
3)  Camping supplies, sunscreen, insect repellant
4)  Fabrics
5)  Building materials (wood for food storage shelves)
6)  Computers
7)  Canning supplies

July - Canning Month
Grocery Sales
1)  July 4th promos continue, ketchup, BBQ sauce, steak sauce, mustard, croutons, salad dressing, mayonnaise, pickles, relish, hot dogs, ground beef, Jell-O, beef steaks, chicken, paper supplies
2)  Bottled water, Gatorade powder, lemonade powder
3)  Watermelons, cantaloupes, tomatoes, plums, peaches, nectarines, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, corn, cherries, and squash

Seasonal Sales/Clearance 
1)  Summer clothing clearance, shoes
2)  School supplies
3)  Camping equipment, hiking boots
4)  4th of July baking products (sprinkles, cookie/candy molds, etc)
5)  Used cars
6)  Air conditioners
7)   Fuel oil
8)  Summer sports equipment
9)  Carpet
10)  Radios, computers
11)  Craft supplies

August - Back to School
Grocery Sales
1)  Back to School deals lunch foods, cereal, peanut butter and jelly
2)  Squash, green peppers, salad fixings,
3)  Berries, apples, melons, peaches,  and apricots
4)  Fresh fish
5)  Juice

Seasonal Sales/Clearance 
1)  Camping equipment
2)  BBQ equipment, charcoal, Barbecues
3)  Patio supplies
4)  School supplies, backpacks, lunchboxes,  school clothes
5)  Computers
6)  Lawn mowers, sprinklers, yard tools,
7)  Swim suits, Sunscreen, Insect repellant
8)  New car clearance

September - National Emergency Preparedness Month
Grocery Sales
1)  Case lot sales (canned soups, fruit, vegetables, beans, meats, stew, honey, jelly, mac. & cheese, Spam, Ravioli's, Spaghettios, hand grain mill, etc.)
2)  Apples, broccoli, cauliflower
3)  School snacks, Capri suns, fruit snacks, cereal, peanut butter/jelly
4)  Tomato products-bottled spaghetti sauce
5)  After Labor Day, deals on BBQ and picnic supplies

Seasonal Sales/Clearance 
1)  Back to School deals continue great clearances!
2)  Baby items
3)  Bikes
4)  Gardening supplies clearance
5)  Camping equipment
6)  Gas grills
7)  Car parts
8)  Children's clothes

October - National Fire Prevention Month & Halloween
Grocery Sales
1)  Vegetable and other oils
2)  Apples, pumpkins and related products-Canned pumpkins,
3)  Cranberries, grapes, oranges, sweet potatoes, and yams
4)   Instant potatoes, stuffing, canned cranberries, marshmallows, ice cream, pie shells, whipped cream, crackers, candy making supplies, nuts, choc. chips, frozen pizza, corn syrup, soup mixes

Seasonal Sales/Clearance 
1)  Halloween products
2)  Baking season begins
3)  Smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, fire escape ladders
4)  Toy clearances make room for Christmas items
5)  School clothes clearance, hosiery, winter coats
6)  Gas grills

November - Veterans Day, & Thanksgiving
Grocery Sales
1)  Thanksgiving dinner foods-Canned cranberries, canned pumpkin, stuffing, olives, frozen vegetables, fresh cranberries (freeze for later), cream cheese, chicken broth, turkey, ham, sweet potatoes, yams
2)  Baking goods -condensed milk, cake mix, frosting, brownie mix, cooking spray, pie filling, whipping cream, cool whip
3)  Post-Halloween bags of candy
4)  Coffee, tea, cocoa

Seasonal Sales/Clearance 
1)  Coats, boots, gloves, baby blankets, men's/boy's suits
2)  Quilts, blankets,
3)  Heating devices, water heaters
4)  Appliances

December - Christmas
Grocery Sales
1)  Baking supplies-Candy making supplies, flour, sugar, nuts, choc. Chips, baking cocoa, vanilla & other extracts, cream of tartar, cooking spray
2)  Oranges, apples, and grapefruit
3)  Broth and soups
4)  Holiday party foods
5)  Hot cocoa
6)  Pasta

Seasonal Sales/Clearance 
1)  Fall décor items 75%+ off
2)  Fall baking products (sprinkles, cookie/candy molds, etc)
3)  Winter coats
4)  Toys
5)  Gift items
6)  Bikes
7)  New cars
8)  Quilts & blankets
9)  After Christmas sales
10)  Gift wrap
11)  Candles
12)  Cold medicine, thermometers, vitamins,  Toothbrushes
13)  Electronics, small appliances
14)  Batteries

1 comment:

  1. How do you know snow blowers go on sale in February?!
